5 Easy Morning Hacks to Gain a Head Start

I muse over how I shag myself to sleep these days. It seems to me the only way of making full use of my ‘awake’ time. OK fine, tire myself to sleep.

Just wanted to write some pointers down about the morning ‘hacks’ that worked for me. In any case here’s my list of some tips to help you seize your day, by owning your morning.

  1. Wake up before your alarm clock tells you to. This is the most underrated, easiest to do, and also my favorite. Have you had days when you woke up, took a look at your clock, realized that you woke up 5 minutes too early and then went back to sleep? Turns out that 5 minutes is what you need to a positive morning. ‘Need‘ not in the way you expect (as in sleep for an extra few minutes), but if you have the will power to not invest it in an extra 5 minutes worth of napping, you just won the first battle of the day. You beat your alarm clock. The effect of that first victory lasts the entire day, as do every first.
  2. Drink a cup of cold water. It doesn’t even have to be a cup. A mouthful will do. Your body is the most dehydrated in the morning after a night of sleep. It craves water even if you did not realize it. Flush your system the moment you wake up and notice how much it refreshes you.
  3. Take a cold shower. Feel confident. Smell good. Look smart.
  4. Take a walk. I’ve yet to try exercising in the morning. To me it’s kind of intimidating but I will try someday. For people who do not have much time, running to catch your bus works wonderfully.
  5. Be early. Now if you did all the above, you will be looking good, feeling confident and healthy. What’s more, you’re earlier than everyone!

Too bad for you if you read this in the afternoon.

Better luck tomorrow!

Testing the Future of Ethereum

Today I made my first purchase of Ethereum.

Winklevoss brothers’ COIN ETF application was what caught my eye, and got me introduced into the world of cryptocurrencies, and in my previous blog post about Bitcoin I shared about the benefits of them and how they will be significant in our future.

It appears the world turned its attention to cryptocurrencies too. On coinmarketcap.com, all cryptocurrencies are seen to be rising, signalling a huge inflow of capital into this market. Out of which, Ethereum, ranked second in terms of market capital, enjoyed an eye-popping 30% gain in a single day.

I was glued to my Coinbase account dashboard, thinking Bitcoin gained me a fair amount today, only to realize that the gain was due to my 100 SGD share in Ether, which gained 25% to 125 SGD.

Immediately I did my research on Ether, and what I found was a whole new world of potential.

If any cryptocurrency were to be one to dethrone Bitcoin, Ether will be the top contender for this position.

I am getting a bit lazy here so I am just going to summarize (do your fair share of googling!): Ether is backed by a strong coder base, awesome community support, and they have plans to actually make USE of Ether. That’s right, more than just a currency like Bitcoin is intended to be, Ether actually has plans to consume its supply.


Don’t forget, use this link to get FREE 14 SGD (10 USD) worth of Bitcoin!

A Bet on the Future of Bitcoin

Last Saturday I bought the first Bitcoin of my life. Well, the first 0.05 Bitcoin.

That amounts to about 100 SGD.

After that I bought another 300 SGD worth when I got used to my Bitcoin wallet, account and the transferring process.

A few reasons on why I choose to buy Bitcoin and whey I insist that Bitcoin is an investment and not a Ponzi scheme.

  1. Everything in life is a Ponzi scheme. Stocks. Insurance. Designer products. College degree. I am not discounting the value of all of these. I am simply making a huge statement (to draw your attention). Every product in this world has a certain use for it, and also a certain price tag. If people believe in it, and if the number grows, then does it matter if it is a Ponzi scheme?
  2. The supply of Bitcoin is limited. If we would temporarily discount the possibility of other copies of Bitcoin overtaking Bitcoin in popularity: the production of Bitcoin will one day come to a halt. Simple mathematics of a halving release every 4 years.
  3. Freedom in transactions. Bitcoin was built to be a cross-border, regulations-free vehicle. Countries implement policies that may affect the value of a currency, but Bitcoin will not be held back by these limitations. Yes, government may impose regulations, and the price of it might be influenced by the early investors (they hold a huge amount now in terms of fiat currency value), but the fact that this currency is international and designed to be free from governmental control still remains. Whether the governments understand it or allow it, it is simply a matter of time. What’s better, is that Bitcoin does NOT care.
  4. A commodity of the future. Bitcoin is a digital commodity. We have had gold in the past, and in this new age, we welcome Bitcoin. Do we really need gold? Yes, in certain manufacturing its inertness is sought after; in societies, we view gold as the valuable bling bling. Do we need bitcoin? Much more controversial, but as its acceptance grows and our future becomes more digitized, it might just become the new bling bling. And this bling bling is here to stay.
  5. The Network Effect. Bitcoin has an open source code. This means that people can simply copy it and produce copies of Bitcoin that have the same functionalities. This, however, also means that the community support behind it is strong. As the first cryptocurrency to be invented it has strong historical value over its clones. Can it be overtaken one day? Possible, but its open source code ensures that whatever new functionality that the public desires will be encoded in its DNA. Bitcoin will evolve, if not faster than its peers.

So much for justifying Bitcoins, I actually went ahead to buy it anyway before reading all these because, heck,  I am just too hotheaded and had no time/patience for those skeptics. These are my opinions that I wish to share with you and are not meant to be serious investment advice. If you would (in the unlikely event) wish to participate in Bitcoin’s future, I would suggest no other than Coinbase. It is a one-stop and safe platform that does everything you need, from wallet to transactions to funding. The only setback is a hefty 1.49% transaction fee. I don’t mind the fee as I feel it is justifiable based on its security and peace of mind it offers. Also, I am looking to stay with Bitcoin going to 100x of its current value. 10,000,000 Satoshis anyone?

Oh, and a last word of advice if you can still stomach some, buy as much as you are willing to lose, and DON’T waste time staring at it until a few years later. I cannot emphasize the value of your time. Invest, keep some Bitcoins, and move on with your life. Plus, nothing beats having a unexpected, and hopefully delightful, surprise :).

Don’t forget, use this link to get FREE 14 SGD (10 USD) worth of Bitcoin!