5 Easy Morning Hacks to Gain a Head Start

I muse over how I shag myself to sleep these days. It seems to me the only way of making full use of my ‘awake’ time. OK fine, tire myself to sleep.

Just wanted to write some pointers down about the morning ‘hacks’ that worked for me. In any case here’s my list of some tips to help you seize your day, by owning your morning.

  1. Wake up before your alarm clock tells you to. This is the most underrated, easiest to do, and also my favorite. Have you had days when you woke up, took a look at your clock, realized that you woke up 5 minutes too early and then went back to sleep? Turns out that 5 minutes is what you need to a positive morning. ‘Need‘ not in the way you expect (as in sleep for an extra few minutes), but if you have the will power to not invest it in an extra 5 minutes worth of napping, you just won the first battle of the day. You beat your alarm clock. The effect of that first victory lasts the entire day, as do every first.
  2. Drink a cup of cold water. It doesn’t even have to be a cup. A mouthful will do. Your body is the most dehydrated in the morning after a night of sleep. It craves water even if you did not realize it. Flush your system the moment you wake up and notice how much it refreshes you.
  3. Take a cold shower. Feel confident. Smell good. Look smart.
  4. Take a walk. I’ve yet to try exercising in the morning. To me it’s kind of intimidating but I will try someday. For people who do not have much time, running to catch your bus works wonderfully.
  5. Be early. Now if you did all the above, you will be looking good, feeling confident and healthy. What’s more, you’re earlier than everyone!

Too bad for you if you read this in the afternoon.

Better luck tomorrow!